


We come forth from the light and the place that has always existed
We come forth from what has always been seen as the Light within the Light. We have existed before you were created. We will exist after this blue green sphere has turned into a star. You hold memories of us within your genetic encodings. We are the COUNSEL OF ONE and each one of us is stationed within a grid point at a sacred entrance and exit on Earth. We align with what has been holy eternally, long before the Earth was birthed. We align with what was holy before your solar system existed. We align with what is holy and that which can never be destroyed.
我们来自光里的光。我们在你们被造之前就存在,也将在这蓝绿色星球变成恒星之后依然存在。 你们的基因里有我们的回忆。我们是COUNSEL OF ONE,我们的每一员驻扎在地球上神圣出入口的网点上。我们与那早于地球诞生的神圣永恒对准,与那早于你们太阳系诞生的神圣永恒对准。我们与那永不可摧毁的神圣对准。

Throughout time and space, you have ventured into new degrees of experiencing self. You have ventured into placements of time where you have slipped as a sailors knot in and out of episodes of self. You exist simultaneously in a multi-dimensional fashion and it cannot be any other way but you have forgotten the rules and how to play the game as you walk in and out of time, in and out of love, and in and out of light.
All of these experiences both the good and the bad, come forth to show you in precise precision exactly where you need to address yourself in order to become more of what the universe asks you to be.

Within you is a programmed genetic coding to ‘seek’.
You are known in the universe as the ‘seekers’. You ask questions when many others do not even bother to think in that direction. You strive to remember where you have come from, you seek the oneness of love that you know lives as a singular event within your heart and you look for that in the eyes of all that you meet. Time dances around you, winding and unwinding in such precision that a clock master would be jealous. Imagine all the cogs in the wheels that turn in each one of your existences to create events that open you to possibilities that you had not entertained. Imagine that veil being lifted and you can see the inner workings of every human you meet, every reflection in every mirror of every interaction with every individual.
As you move into these time events you will see the many deceptions each person wears, the many dos and don’ts they have given themselves, the many shoulds and should not’s that they still wrap around themselves as a cloak of invisibility. These time lines ask you to not be afraid to see what is a global truth, a personal truth, a universal truth.
These time lines ask you to let go of the fear of death, of life, of love or of succeeding. You have come here voluntarily to this blue green jewel and you have incarnated into the physical tenacities of flesh. Many of you are angry at your humanness. You want to be light and not deal with the flesh but in truth you can be nothing else but light, no matter what form you take in any incarnation. Like a liquid that enters a different container, you hold the same vibration of light throughout existences you just choose to enter different containers.
Remember when you were the pure light in the very beginning. Remember the duality that once lived within the Godhead. Remember the promises broken and kept that you made to yourself and the light. In this existence, it is time for you to let go of what you promised self and embrace in the fullness of time of what you promised the light. Renew the promises and the vows of light that you have forgotten. Renew your joy for a life that seems so thick with mistrust, illusions and falsehoods.

You hold the geometries of what is sacred
You hold the promises that you made before you incarnated. The solar initiations that come are just not of the sun but of the soul and that which comes to dine at the table of light you have set. Imagine the last supper, at the table sits twelve plus one.(13 is a portal) there are many hidden agendas, many promises that will not kept, many ways the 12 turn away from the light and are ashamed to be seen in the presence of master. Sometimes it is easier to agree with the populous. Sometimes it’s easier to just quit and turn your pretty head in another direction.
It is important that for the next two years you hold tightly to the God code/God Gene that lives within you. Your computer systems give to you a pathway that escorts you into the mind of God. It is that aspect and that technical understanding that will bring you forth into places that you thought never existed. For all things now are given homes in a grid work of binary configurations. In the vibration of ten and 2010, the oneness of humanity is represented and the void/ zero of God. Know without a doubt that no matter what the truth will be seen and the darkness will be folded back into the place that it needs to be in order for the earth to heal herself. For when you try to destroy what is dark, you try to destroy a black hole so to speak.

The darkness knows that its time on Earth is limited before it goes back home to the light and it has chosen to experience what is dark in this physical form and that is its choice. When you see it, acknowledge it as such but do not try to change it for at this time you are more responsible for your own grid of light, than for shifting the dark in others. By holding on to the beacon that you represent you will do more good than trying to destroy the dark and bring it into the light.
The darkness does not have a need to be liked and when you interfere in its particular evolutionary pattern, whether it is in person, politics/etc then it will attack you and that is what you have sensed. There are many black holes that surround your planet at this time. It is not your job to clean up the planetary black holes / darkness that holds its form because of the negative and black thoughts of humanity. Nature herself does not have a black heart; she does not wish to harm her children. These storms/liquid & snow/ that come forth to you represent emotional turmoil and the lack of love on the entire planet. Many of them will not respond to sending it heart light, or love, and when this happens and you are in the midst of some of these storms, we ask you to pull in your light to hold your immediate area and that is all.

By sending light to energies that are in a place of real darkness, at this point of time, you do not infuse and free the light – you infuse and free the darkness. So we ask you to sweep in front of your own lives, in front of your own porches, in front of your own dreams and stop trying to change a planet that has to go thru the dark night of the soul to find its light. This is great sadness but it is true. Eventually this darkness will succeed from the union of light and earth.




先天大道 無極老母聖訓 師尊慈語 佛勸世文 大道天书

白 玉 佛

白 玉 佛

