The Mother's Last Will and Testament
My beloved children, how I have loved you for aeons. As you came and as you left I sustained you, knowing that many of you would travail my soil again and that we would meet in another time as you entered another experience for the growth of your soul. I have found such joy in providing for you. I delighted in your company when you were joyous and shed tears with you when unhappiness clutched at your bosoms. I held you in the crook of my arms and gently nurtured you when you were imbalanced, helping you to reclaim your equilibrium and spunk. I have tried to shield you from the wiles of the dark through the constancy of my light, bestowed by the grace of our Father. Little ones of mine, I apologise, for I no longer have the strength to hold you up. My strength has been sapped with the effort of defending myself against the wiles of the dark. They have depleted me through the constant assault of corruption and nefarious practices. They have sucked the life force from my body and my very skin has shrivelled for want of the food of life.
My shield has been attacked on so many levels that I can barely protect myself, far more you. The dark creations, for aeons have infected the cells of my body with cancerous substance that now I am diminished to the point of no return, without the Father's loving intervention. I ask you my beloved children to hold my hands during these last hours and pray with me, that I may have a smooth transition from this dimension into the next, where I will be restored, uplifted and healed. Do not let go my children for I desire that you too will accompany me into light and life where we can enjoy breaths of liberation and come into spiritual maturity. I bequest to you, the memories of my vibrant days when we would sojourn with joy and laughter, free of all mal intent and discontent; the days when our spirits soared like the eagles, supreme and free to live up to what and who we were created to be. Yes my children remember these days for I go to prepare myself that you may join me again that we may reclaim our birthright.
I am close to grasping the hands of peace. For too long I have been trampled upon, rejected and abused. My love has been spurned and I have felt the tremors of your darkened ways cascade the gentleness of my being. No more! No more! No more! I must leave you but for a while. The Father will hoard for me those of you who will rejoin me when I am discharged from my time of cleansing and renewal.
Do not cry my little ones for we will not be parted long. I have loved you from the moment the Father placed you in my arms and I will love you eternally. I too cry at this parting, but it is necessary. Please understand that I am not deserting you but just leaving for a while that I may return with strength to strengthen you and sustain you in the world to come, where we shall work together in love and harmony to restore balance as the Father wills.
Good bye my little ones, for the angels call me home for a while. I too need their loving care
先天大道 無極老母聖訓 師尊慈語 佛勸世文 大道天书
- 大道虛空 2
- 大道虛空 1
- 大实验 时间旁轨
- 提高你的生命能量场
- 我们来自光那永恒的地方
- 西方极乐世界游记
- 哈勃太空望远镜拍摄到的天国世界
- 《我是外星人》之五你也是外星人
- 《我是外星人》之四:地球有难
- 《我是外星人》
- 冥罚淫律----只要您浏览,就被记功!!!
- 我是外星人之二:水悦星
- 我是外星人之三:地球篇
- 中脉七轮的奥秘
- 大道綱常
- 陰騭豐盈
- 大道傳承問答錄(三)
- 琉璃如來佛尊慈訓
- 三脈的特質
- 相对论与时间旅行、原子裂变、宇宙的起源和终结、黑洞
- 左右脉易发生的问题及対治方法
- 《奥义书》
- 藏密中脉修炼法
- 地球母亲的遗嘱
- 7%的故事
- 阿斯塔指挥官的飞船
- 得脫苦輪
- 仁民愛物
- 先天大道白陽五盤玄黃祖師聖堂
- 关于圣洁膏抹布的见证
- 通过圣洁膏抹的布!
- 圣洁膏涂之布
- "对基督新妇的紧急呼召"!
- 我们天父亲的信息2008年十月27日
- 来自我们天父的第4条信息
- 来自我们天父的第3条信息
- 来自我们天父的第二条信息
- 来自我们天父的第一个信息
- 来自我们天父的最新信息
- 我们的天父爱非常爱你们!
- 尼布罗星就在这里!
- 来自我们天父的信息
- "象水晶般美丽的新DNA"
- "我的国降临!"
- "我们的主和上帝国度的诞生!"
- "不是偶然,是通过我的设计!"
- "全部取决于选择!"
- "彩虹军队"
- "最后一部警告的书"
- "启示录书里那些印的开始"
- "尼布罗星的穿过"
- "上帝是怎样通过他的先知讲话的"
- “我正在洁净我的百姓”
- 人的起源
- 上帝的应许和警告
- 属灵的死亡
- 白陽第五代道盤先天大道應運緣起介紹
- 爱因斯坦惊人预言正在发生中
- 多次元空間
- 異次元空間
- 爱无止境 7 耶稣说:你就是爱
- 爱无止境 6 耶稣说:你就是爱
- 爱无止境 5 耶稣说:你就是爱
- 爱无止境 4 耶稣说:你就是爱
- 爱无止境 3 耶稣说:你就是爱
- 爱无止境 2 耶稣说:你就是爱
- 爱无止境 1 耶稣说:你就是爱
- 它在DNA里 2
- 它在DNA里 1
- 健康与疗愈
- 光子 气呼吸和松果体
- 炼金术——爱的转换力
- 天堂之路_修道與人生 濟公 師 尊 慈 語
- 人生、為的是什麼 濟公 師 尊 慈 語
- 生活即道場 濟公 師 尊 慈 語
- 談心論性 濟公 師 尊 慈 語
- 德配天地 濟公 師 尊 慈 語
- 薪傳心傳 濟公師 尊 慈 語
- 超越自我的第一步 濟公師 尊 慈 語
- 撥雲見日--無明與智慧 師 尊 慈 語
- 如水之德 - 談人事的圓融 濟公 師 尊 慈 語
- 無心與無為 濟公 師 尊 慈
- 苟日新又日新 濟公 師 尊 慈 語
- 同修不離道伴 濟公師 尊 慈
- 大道傳承問答錄(二)
- 大道傳承問答錄(一)
- 慈父般的叮嚀 濟公 師 尊 慈 語
- 仁義禮智信 忠孝仁愛信義和平
- 人生的智慧 濟公師 尊 慈 語
- 白陽三期
- 大道燃燈
- 虛空國度
- 虛空心法
- 傳承萬代
- 造福人群
- 無極大道真佛心經
- 圓滿乘越
- 回歸超越
- 看重自己責任負起 濟公師 尊 慈 語
- 日月乾坤