银河联邦信息SaLuSa, April 21, 2010
For some time you have realized that the operations on Earth are not serving your new found understanding, and certainly not the higher levels of spirituality that are now manifesting. It is clearly a battle for supremacy, whilst the dark Ones use every trick in the book to delay the inevitable. Lightworkers steadfastly respond with moves that transmute the lower energies, ensuring that they do not affect their own high standards. The more severe the challenge, the greater is the response accompanied by Love and Light. The Light is the building block of the Universe, and its power lies in its purity and high vibration. Stay in the energy of Love, and you cannot be assailed by the attempts of the dark Ones to prevent you lifting up. Providing you can contain your emotional reactions, there is no reason why you cannot deflect any such attacks upon you. Conversely, the higher you rise up, the more you are able to hold your position as your Light provides your protection.
There are valid reasons to be concerned with what is happening on Earth, but if you are aware of the reasons behind the changes they do not present a problem. You may not yet be able to see the outcome, but the cleansing will be uncomfortable for a while but soon settle down, as you will see new replacing the old quite quickly. It is all ready for a whole series of changes that will overcome the many disasters that have hit you lately. In the near future there will be the introduction of a whole host of new ideas, that have been carefully thought out in advance. They are to bridge the gap in your advancement that should have been well ahead of what it is now. No longer will those with a different agenda, be able to interfere with what is due to you and has been denied through greed and the desire for power. The dark Ones know that it is time for them to call it a day, and allow the Light to return to Earth and set the final acts of Ascension in motion.
There was always going to be an end time bringing activities on Earth to a halt, and that time has arrived. The cycles of life are pre-ordained, and it is not for Man to decide to hold them up. The final days of your present cycle are near, and are to take you away from the lower energies and set your feet upon the path to Ascension. Nothing short of a command from The Creator will alter the outcome, and you are assured that your upliftment will take place. The wishes of every soul will affect the manner in which the final days are played out, as you are still creating and your combined energies are determining the manner in which they finally occur. Be careful that you place your focus on all that is of the Light, and do not allow your guard to drop. You do not want to give succor to those who oppose you, and misdirect your energies for their use.
Each day takes you nearer to the beginning of the end of the dark activities. They will be disrobed and their power taken away, and placed where they can no longer interfere with your efforts or ours to restore the Earth. We simply wait for an indication that everything is in place for the final move, to start the ball rolling. Perhaps a snowball would be more apt, as once it starts to roll it will quickly gather an unstoppable momentum. Opposition to what is planned will soon be swept aside, and not because we enforce our mission, but because it has already been agreed. What we propose is in the best interests of everyone, and will release you from the oppression caused by duality. A new Man is emerging on Earth, spiritually endowed with a remarkable understanding of what is now needed to move you on. Some are the early Indigo children or Starseeds, that have grown in stature and ready to serve you all. There is great wisdom and understanding carried by them, and they know precisely why they are on Earth at this memorable time.
This particular period was planned a long time ago, and Heaven has sent its Light forces to assist you. Many High Beings are close to you, and giving of their energies to increase the amount of Light upon Earth. Failure is not contemplated or even possible, as the Universe is moving into a new vibration and you and your Earth are an integral part of it. The size of such a change is quite impossible to convey, and it affects all life, every Sun, planet, moons and satellites. Although a small part of what is happening, you are especially important to the whole. As individuals you are most loved, and because you need help to ascend millions of souls from all over the Universe have a hand in your Ascension. You may feel neglected at times but believe us when we say that you are in our hearts, and revered for what you have undertaken and achieved in rising up again.
There are times when we have marveled at how tenacious you can be, and your determination to succeed has gone a long to achieving your current success. It seems the more the dark Ones impose themselves upon you, the more you fight back and they do not get their way very easily. Now that they are losing their power you are getting bolder and even publicly opposing them. We are certainly behind you and doing all we can to aid your success. It will of course become much easier to bring the Light into your daily life, when we have been announced and the opposition to us is removed. We shall encourage people to get together and share their knowledge, so that the truth can be established as quickly as possible. Fear must be overcome, and our message is that we come in peace and love for Mankind. Our actions will speak louder than words, and we are looking forward to helping you over the last years of the cycle of duality.
It is clearly going to be a great relief to you when we can appear openly, and you will see that we are so much like you in appearance, that there can be no doubt we are One. We can of course provide the truth of that statement, and acquaint you with previous contacts with you. These have taken place over hundreds of years, although it is only in the more recent period that we have shown ourselves so frequently. It will be very gratifying for us to meet you and know that we are welcome, and just being in our presence will convince you of our honest intentions towards you. We truly love you all and see you as you really are, as great Beings of Light caught up in the dark web weaved by the dark Ones. However, you are breaking out of their hold and able to express yourselves as the wonderful Beings of Light, that eons of time ago set out on your journey into the darkness of the lower vibrations.
Thank you SaLuSa,
Mike Quinsey.
Website: Tree of the Golden Light
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