银河联邦 阿尔法飞船 5月4日 多位高灵
Alpha Ship, May 4, 2010
Greetings from Alpha Spaceship!
KRIS-WON: I feel a sudden increase in temperature in the room where I channel. On this occasion I feel that there are more presences in addition to Commander Sohin...
SOHIN: Greetings to all. It is a pleasure for me to also bring you in contact with some of my spiritual Brothers. First, I give way to my brother Saint Germain.
SAINT GERMAIN: I take this opportunity that my brother Sohin gives to me and also our brother Kris-Won as a channel, for you to get a message that--although brief--is of great relevance in the modern times we are living in.
You know that Gaia is modifying her distinct energies, both the physical as well as the subtle, to continue with her evolution in the planetary process of Ascension to a higher degree of vibration. We know that you circulate on the Internet a wide range of versions with respect to how and why the physical changes are occurring on Mother Earth that are originating within Her physical form.
KRIS-WON :我突然觉得在这个房间的通道增加了。此时,我感觉到了更多的存在。。。。指挥官Sohin
SOHIN : 问候大家。我们很高兴给你们介绍我的灵性兄弟们。首先,我让我的兄弟圣。日耳曼发言。
圣日耳曼 :我借此机会,我的兄弟SOHIN把我介绍给了我的兄弟KRIS-WON,给你带来讯息,虽然不长,但是具有重大的意义,那就是我们现在生活的时代。
Gaia is correcting the rotation of her axis so that it is perfectly straight and not slightly inclined as it has been until now. This modification in her rotation must be done slowly, since it would cause violent earthquakes that would be fatal to many communities of human beings, to the animals, and to the plants. Although Mother Earth is gradually making the change of rotation, without doubt it is inevitably going to produce some Earth movements and subsequent flooding in certain parts of the globe.
Be prepared for these events, not with fear, but with the confidence that it will be something that is necessary for the intervening change that you are all waiting for. Keep it up and don't be afraid, because you are not alone in this; we accompany armies and armies of light-beings who will give you vigor and courage to handle all the changes that lie ahead, with faith and hope that the best will come from all of this. After the storm the sun will return to shine, with more intensity and luminosity than ever.
Now I step aside for another Brother who wants to say some words to you.
ASHTAR SHERAN: I wrap all my brothers and sisters of Planet Earth with a blanket of light and I say to you, let whatever happens, happen. We will be by your side, so that no one who unselfishly lives in consciousness and is concerned for the rest of his brothers, is unprotected when a structural change takes place at certain points on the planet.
Each and every one of you who are treading the spiritual path is tracked by us from the central computers on our ships, and in case you find yourselves in grave danger, we respond promptly to rescue you and transfer you to a place that is safe and sound. So even though you know many changes will occur on your planet, also know that nothing will happen to you, that you are being watched and protected by our technological equipment, that when some day you are introduced to it all, you will be astounded at its sophistication and remarkable effectiveness of its operations.
阿斯塔谢兰 :我集合所有我的来自行星地球的兄弟姐妹们,我要对你们说,无论什么事情发生了,我们都会在你们的身边,没有谁会被他们的兄弟遗弃,不会不受到保护的,在地球上某些地方发生的结构变化。
Fear nothing, dear friends, since we always accompany you in any place you go.
Finally, I make way for the last of our three companions.
SAMANA, SANANDA, YESHUA / JESUS: Ha ha! Thanks, Kris-Won, for writing several of the names that I am known by. Well, actually, any one of them would have sufficed. I AM the energy known as the Son, not being the only son of the Father, since we are all children of God, as creations of his, but because I have come to the spiritual understanding that my Father and I are One, and that there is no real difference between Him and Me. Everyone who comes to understand this Truth, will become a true Son of God, manifesting the third of three aspects or facets of the Divinity: Father, Mother and Son.
SAMANA, SANANDA, YESHUA / JESUS:哈哈!谢谢,Kris-Won,写的是那些我曾经被认识的名字。嗯,其实,他们中的任何一个就足够了。我,作为圣父之子的能量,并不是圣父唯一的儿子,因为我们都是造物主的孩子,它的创造。但是,因为我带着圣父给予我的灵性觉知,我知道我和父亲是一体的,所以我和它其实没有分别。请大家理解这个真理,并且成为一个真正的上帝之子,体现三位一体的精神:圣父,圣母和儿子
In its aspect of FATHER, He is the Creator of all the Cosmos and all the myriad creatures that inhabit it; He speaks to us through the voice of the consciousness within us. Its MOTHER aspect is all that surrounds us in the manifestation of nature, at the planetary, solar, galactic and cosmic levels; She addresses us through Love, which is the core principle behind all force in the Universe. And in its SON aspect, we are every bit of this aspect, alive and conscious beings who know we are a creation of the Divine Will, and that some day we will return back to the Source from which everything comes, that BEING all love, all good and all light, that has been called multiple and distinct forms by all Its Children in the Cosmos.
Goodness begets goodness. All attuned beings are attracted by the Law of Attraction. Where two or more of you gather in My name, know that I'll be there, pouring out My blessings upon you, breathing my breath into your tired hearts from the daily struggles of the world, which is so exhausting and difficult to overcome; I know it very well. If I have come today, it is because you yourselves have called Me, through your love and your desires to serve the Divine Plan, willing to sacrifice, if it is necessary, to bring forth the plane of reality that is now an embryo of the New World, which is making its appearance thanks to the joint efforts of all of you.
I embrace and bless you, not once but a thousand times.
Peace and Love
Dear friends,
Alfa Starship have started transmitting messages through Cristian since January 2010.
Our brothers and sisters of outer space would become very joyful if their messages can be translated in as many languages as possible.
If you resonate with their messages which are published here and are able to translate to any language or know someone who would be able to do it, please send an e-mail to keeluad@gmail.com.
We are already translating in English, Spanish, Portuguese and Dutch, but any assistance in translating them into any of these and other languages is welcome.
Thank you. Light and Love, Adriano.
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