(2010-05-11 23:57:11)
Forthcoming events- We are at the turnstile
By S333 thru Hazel
May 9, 2010 - 4:28:04 AM
The next few weeks as you know it will usher renewed events in every aspect of your world. This will be due to the increased flow of energies that shall be inundating your planet. It is part of the divine plane to step up activity as this has now become necessary. There has been what we call a pull-push effect for a while now but this is going to become more of a steady push until we reach the finishing line. Yes, there are going to be more geophysical occurrences and this time in expected regions at a velocity and magnitude beyond that which is currently being experienced.
As I indicated to you a few weeks ago in your time, the Icelandic volcano would continue her eruptions and cause great inconvenience to airlines and travellers. This is now recurring again and there promises to be a new surge of problems arising out of the increased activity of this volcano. Do not be surprised if other volcanic activity commences elsewhere. The time promises to be right for this.
You are all aware of the devastating potential that the oil spill in the gulf will have on the flora and fauna of the oceans and the wider ecosystems. Efforts to contain the spill will not be successful, merely superficial. The spill coupled with the rising of the ocean's bed will make containment and control of the stem and flow very sporadic. In fact efforts will merely exacerbate the current problem. This I can say to you. It is a sign dear ones. It signals the breaking away of the mother from her unruly children, a separation as it were. It has great significance for her transition. Those with inner perception shall realise that what is literal in terms of physical has a deeper figurative meaning.
The mother is about to carve out a whole new geological structure for herself and she has the support of us in the celestial realm.
You witness the shifting focus of all to the current state of the global economy caused by the debt crisis rocking Europe at the moment. The stock exchange is ready to collapse but its demise will be sudden after a period of fall and rise. It is inevitable. The psyche of those who control Nasdaq and Wall street are seriously disturbed due to the fluctuation in the markets. They know that stocks will continue to plummet and any relief will be temporary. We have as much said this to the dark ones. Yet they hold on to some hope that there will be resurgence thereby continuing to ignore our warnings.
All is going to unfold in the sequence that we in the celestial realm desire it to. It is a fortuitous time as the threads and cords of this orchestration are being woven together by celestial hands, co operating to bring events to fruition so that we can get on with the business of the mother's cleansing and rebuilding.
You have been warned during the preceding weeks of likely events. Well the onset of these events is upon you. The time now is right for increased action. The dark ones have been given every opportunity to see sense and choose the path of light and they have refused so. They have pretty much decided their own fate. They cannot and will not impede divine plan. They are shortly to realise that we mean business. They have rejected the hand of grace and mercy so now they will have to scatter and go where they must.
I urge you ones who serve this cause to centre yourselves now and connect deeply within. Harness your inner strength for this the last lap. Another message shall be forthcoming soon.
I am S333
You Are An Active Participant in the Acension Process
Saturday, May 08, 2010
Start: 11:10
Rubens: Yes, I am ready for the message
S333: Thank you. This is the continuation of the message given earlier. We are about to collapse the entire system that you currently rely on because it is highly time that we implement those necessary changes in the market which will catch everyone's attention since the blood life for too many on this planet evolves around money. Your supply will be cut off completely and many will see themselves experiencing the effect of ones choking for lack of oxygen. Many will feel like the junkies who are suddenly deprived of the needed drug to allow them to have a semblance of life. There will not be any place where those dependent upon money can find solace or go into rehab in search for a solution. They will have to go into complete withdrawal and suffer through it all in order to understand the negative impact that their dependence has caused to so many in and around the planet. This is time for severe punishment leading to eventual redemption.
Those upheavals talked about are necessary for Gaia to regain her full sovereignty and the ungrateful inhabitants of the planet will have to learn the hard way that she is, in no shape of form, a victim of their selfish acts out of weakness but rather it was and still is due to her devotion to her children that allowed her to suffer through it all despite the great injustice caused to her for millenias.
Those of you who have known about the great sufferings of Gaia and did nothing to alleviate it when they could should feel as guilty as those who have purposely inflicted those damages. Those who have been compassionate to her cause have nothing to fear and should refrain from feeling any blames directed at them. Now is the time for retribution dear ones and you must prepare for what is upon you with the satisfaction that at last, the changes are here and nothing will stop them.
We will keep you posted about certain details that will be forthcoming when it is necessary to do so. For now, assist where you can and do not worry about anything but allow this to place with respect and understanding.
CM: Do not be so surprise dear; what we want you to understand is that you should focus as much as you can about the positive results that will come through when those necessary changes have taken place. You need to keep a positive outlook on this and stop considering the planetary occurrences as a "gloom and doom scenario" as you have been brainwashed to do. They are simply what must take place in the grand scheme of things and as future aware-inhabitants of the planet, you must take the responsibility to accommodate for striking changes in the way your consciousness function at present since you, the ones remaining will see all this, at a not so distant future, with such clarity that it will baffle you to even imagine that you could not see as plainly as it will appear then.
My dear children, you must remember who you are and your role in all of this since you are not the mere observers as you may think that you are; you are active participant in the ascension process and you need to move from the unconscious participation to the conscious one. Do not forget also that quite a few are here for training purposes and it is about time to awake faster.
That will be all for now, dear ones and we shall come around again shortly.
Rubens: Thank you dear brothers.
End: 11:34
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